2021 Annual Report & Message From the President

Posted By: Carmen Novak Board, Community,

Hello WLIA Members,

As we approach the upcoming 35th Annual Conference, I am excited to announce that the 2021 Annual Report is now available. We’ll share in-depth updates on the association and hear from each committee during our annual town hall meeting in Elkhart Lake.

To recap, it’s been a very successful year, thanks to the ongoing dedication from the board, committees, members, and everyone else who has volunteered time and efforts. We kicked off 2021 with the first-ever virtual conference, with a theme of Modernizing and Moving Confidently Forward, which we certainly did. Multiple platforms and applications were utilized to pull off this virtual event in an attempt to emulate that same conference experience. While nothing is quite like an in-person conference, the 34th Annual Conference as a virtual event was a big success!

Regional meetings in 2021 included a virtual series event for spring and back to an in-person format for fall; both were excellent events with cutting-edge content, collaboration, and conversations. Other accomplishments include surpassing the $25,000 goal for the scholarship endowment fund, modernizing our member database and website, updating legislative whitepapers and monitoring several legislative items, and exhibiting and presenting at conferences around Wisconsin and in neighboring states; this outreach allows for collaboration with other organizations on shared interests. The report further outlines our accomplishments and I am grateful for all of the help I’ve received as president. Specifically with planning the virtual 2021 Annual Conference, I am immensely appreciative for all the hard work that was contributed into making that event happen.

The 35th Annual Conference is taking place next week, with a theme of Strengthening Connections. It’s been two years since we last gathered in person at an annual conference, so there will be many opportunities for learning and networking. Our Duty of Care policy outlines event precautions and preparations so that all individuals on-site, attendees, speakers, staff, and venue personnel remain safe, healthy, and comfortable throughout the event. If you haven’t registered yet, there is still time, please register nowThe program has a variety of excellent content; there is something for everyone. We also have some special surprises—including the launch of our new WLIA podcast and website highlights in addition to the sessions, workshops, SIGs, keynote plenaries, map contest, exhibit hall, awards, prizes, and scholarship announcements that we all love. We hope to see you in Elkhart Lake.

Carmen Novak
WLIA President

The Annual Report for 2021 is now available: