Nominations are Open! For Awards and Board of Directors...

Posted By: Carmen Novak Awards & Recognition,

Nominate your colleagues for awards or to serve on the WLIA Board of Directors. Nominations are open throughout the year! Nominate for: 

Awards  |  Board of Directors

Award Nominations

Did you know that WLIA has five different award categories? Each are unique and granted to individuals based on specific merits, services, or achievements. Award recipients are selected by the Awards Committee and announced at the Annual Conference.

Allen H. Miller Sustained Service Award
Given to an individual or organization that demonstrates sustained service to WLIA and the WLIP, through continued exemplary contributions. The Allen H. Miller Sustained Service Award is named after our first President, friend, and supporter.

Friend of Land Records Award
Given to an individual or organization that is not a WLIA member and has contributed to the success or advancement of land records modernization in Wisconsin.

Government Achievement Award
Given to a municipal, town, county, regional planning commission, state, federal, or tribal government or consortium that has demonstrated excellence in one or more of the following areas: innovative and efficient use of resources (best “bang for the buck”), sustainable development of critical local, regional, or statewide geospatial datasets, implementation of creative cooperative agreements, creation of innovative applications and information services that improve the delivery of government services to citizens.

Outstanding Contribution Award
Given to an individual or an organization that is a WLIA member and has made a substantial contribution to WLIA activities or the Wisconsin Land Information Program (WLIP).

Emerging Leader Award
Given to an individual in the first 7 years of their Land Information/GIS career who demonstrates exemplary individual technical achievement and/or leadership within the Wisconsin land information community.

Board Nominations

A slate of candidates for the Board is determined by the Nominations Committee; the goal is to fill six director positions and one president-elect position. The organization's membership votes on the candidates prior to the Annual Conference and the new Board is introduced immediately following event.

Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is composed of twelve (12) directors and three officers. They supervise, manage
and direct the affairs of the association. They determine policies or changes within the limits of the bylaws, actively support WLIA’s mission, serve as co-chair(s) on standing committees, and have discretion in the disbursement of funds. They also may adopt rules and regulations for conduct of business.

The president-elect takes office at the end of the annual meeting for a one-year term as president with the term expiring at the end of the annual meeting the following year. The president-elect may be delegated by the president to perform duties of the president in the event of the president’s absence and may have other duties as the president or Board may assign. The president-elect also performs as chair of the conference committee for the annual meeting the following year.