What is Central Wisconsin? (Hint: It's For the Kids! - A Silent Auction, Regional Style!)

Posted By: Colter Sikora Spring Regional,

Quick Link: Submit items for the Silent Auction

Quick Link: Tell us what you think is "Central Wisconsin!"

This Spring Regional, we are trying something new! We are going to share the love for our future WLIA scholarship recipients and our meeting host region by having a special silent auction. To keep things simple, yet interesting, our auction is based on a theme:

What is Central Wisconsin?

This special auction includes items exclusively from Central Wisconsin. We've already received some commitments for donations from around the area, but we are also looking for great Central Wisconsin gifts that you know of! Think cheese, drinks, and polka CDs (not kidding), to name a few items. If you have ideas or can solicit specific auction items, please e-mail Colter Sikora.

But wait, do you question what really is "Central Wisconsin?" Us too! To try to solve this debate, we made a short survey where you can let us know what you think makes up Central Wisconsin! Fill out the survey while you are making your plans to come to the WLIA Spring Regional Meeting!

Spring Regional in Stevens Point