Communications Committee Activities

News Posts

If you have news to share that you think would be of interest to our membership*, please let us know here!  If you have specific formatting in mind or images, you can also e-mail the Chair and Vice-Chair.

*As a rule, we do not pass along job postings because our friends at the Wisconsin State Cartographer's Office (SCO) does a fantastic job with their Job Board.


As a way for our members to communicate on issues, ask questions, or just chat, WLIA has a Slack Workspace.   Slack is a message board organized by channels that focus on a topic or interest area. Remember that when joining this workspace, the same Code of Conduct rules apply!

Jennifer Borlick, Rock County

Carmen Novak, Bayfield County

Colter Sikora, Public Service Commission

Jeremiah Erickson, Monroe County

Mike Seidel, Ayres Associates

Shelley Witte, WI Dept of Public Instruction

Kim Christman, Racine County

Emily Berth, Milwaukee County DOT

For Committee documents, go to the Public Document Archive.