Land Information Officers
Stewards of Wisconsin's Valuable Land Information
Each of the 72 counties in Wisconsin has an appointed representative to conduct the business of the Wisconsin Land Information Program (WLIP) for their county. These representatives, often in addition to their normal daily duties, act as their county Land Information Officer (LIO). The duties of the LIO are broadly defined as:
- Coordinating land information projects
- Preparing and maintaining a plan for land records modernization
- Reviewing and recommending projects (grants) for local governments
Land Information Officers Network
Established in 1999, the mission of the Land Information Officers Network (LION) is to provide a forum for communication and knowledge sharing, geared toward making county LIOs more successful in implementing the Wisconsin Land Information Program. LION has the following objectives and goals:
- To promote an understanding of the Wisconsin Land Information Program and county land information programs.
- To assist in developing successful county Land Information Offices by promoting professional practice, best practices, and communication.
- To encourage and support educational programs for its members.
- To promote a better understanding and appreciation of how land information officers serve the public interests.