2023 Annual Conference - Exhibitors & Sponsors

Wednesday, February 22, 2023
to Friday, February 24, 2023
* Registration open until 2/15/23 at 4:00 PM (CST)
* Registration open until 2/15/23 at 4:00 PM (CST)
Registration Guide Prospectus Main Conference Registration
Category: Annual Conference

The deadline for being in the printed program has passed, however, you can still participate to received other benefits. Thank you.


We have a new registration process for exhibitors and sponsors, this year. You will purchase your exhibit booth and/or sponsorship as well as discounted tickets here but you will not register any conference attendees just yet. We created a registration guide to help the process go smoothly.

All conference attendees will be registered in the main conference registration. If you receive complementary full conference tickets through your exhibit booth / sponsorship level or you purchase discounted tickets in this registration, you'll receive a single-use promo code from WLIA to use when registering conference attendees.

The value of the promo code will equal the total number of complementary and discounted tickets you have multiplied by the price of a FULL Conference - Member ticket ($290).

Example scenario:  You register as a Gold Sponsor and purchase an exhibit booth. Gold Sponsors get two complementary tickets and exhibitors can purchase up to 3 additional full conference registrations at a discounted price. However, you only purchase 2 discounted registrations. Your promo code will have a value of $1160.

* Registration open until 2/15/23 at 4:00 PM (CST)
* Registration open until 2/15/23 at 4:00 PM (CST)
Registration Guide Prospectus Main Conference Registration

For More Information:

Scott Daniel

Scott Daniel


GIS Developer / Specialist, GRAEF USA, Inc.