The WLIA Member Directory is Live!

Posted By: Shelley Witte Community,

One major feature of WLIA's association management software (Novi) that we had yet to utilize (until now) is the Member Directory. While the feature is super easy to roll out, we delayed going live with it because it lacked some important privacy controls.

When WLIA moved its member database to Novi in the spring of 2022, only website admin had the ability to control whether a person's address and contact information were displayed in the Member Directory. We did not want to make the choice to display contact information for everyone nor did we want Ann, our Executive Services Manager, or our other website admin spending time on requests to change privacy settings. 

Luckily, Novi recently granted their customers' request to let users control their own privacy settings and our Board of Directors agreed that the Member Directory could finally be implemented.

As the name implies, the Member Directory is a place to view WLIA's membership. However, this directory is not available to just anyone who visits the WLIA website. Only current WLIA members are in the directory and they are also the only people who have access to it. This means users must be logged into the WLIA website (and be current members) to view the Member Directory. 

Each time you visit the Member Directory, you'll be greeted by a random selection of WLIA members. 

image shows a view of the WLIA member directory

You can flip through the pages like it's a chaotic school yearbook or use the search and filter functionality to help you locate people. 

image shows member directory search and filter functions

Hovering over a person's tile will bring up their contact information and the option to click through to their profile.

Now, back to the privacy settings I mentioned earlier. If you'd like to limit some of the information that is displayed in your profile, you can access the privacy settings in your Member Compass under the Profile section, alllllll the way at the bottom. There are four options to consider.

image shows the four options for privacy settings located in the Profile section of the Member Compass

  • "Keep me off the website, please!"
    • Choose the first option if you do not want your member record to be displayed anywhere on the website.
  • "Don't display my contact information on the website."
    • The first section of your Profile in the Member Compass is called "Profile Information" it contains your contact email, phone number, website, and your billing and shipping addresses. By toggling on this setting, none of this information will be shown on your profile. 
    • Now is a great time to double check what information you have there. I know at some point, I've had my personal cell phone and home address associated with my WLIA record and not my work number/address.
  • "Just leave my address off the website."
    • Your contact email and phone number will be visible, but your address won't be.
  • "Leave me alone!"
    • We sincerely hope you don't check this one. This means you won't receive our monthly newsletter or any other WLIA email communications besides event or purchase confirmations. 

Since this is the beginning of our Member Directory journey in Novi, we'd like to hear your feedback! Let us know what you think and how we can improve it for your uses. (Unless you intend to spam our membership. We won't help you do that and very much discourage it.)

In the meantime, update your profile information, upload a picture of yourself, and verify your privacy settings!