Wisconsin Real Property Listers Honored as Friends of Land Records
The Wisconsin Land Information Association held its 34th Annual Conference February 15-19, 2021. As part of the conference, WLIA recognized individuals and organizations for their significant achievements or service to the land information community.
This year the Wisconsin Real Property Lister’s Association were selected as the Friends of Land Records Award Winners.
The Friend(s) of Land Records award is given to an individual or organization that is not a WLIA member but has contributed to the success or advancement of land records modernization in Wisconsin.
Wisconsin Real Property Lister’s Association at 2019 Annual State Meeting
The WRPLA has helped to build a professional collaboration between Wisconsin Real Property Listers and the Land Information Community. This support has come in a number of forms including most recently the WLIA/WRPLA joint conference in Eau Claire in May of 2019, and their financial support of the Fall Virtual Meeting in 2020. The WRPLA and WLIA have had a great relationship for a long time and we foresee that continuing long into the future.