WROC Wins Best of State

Posted By: Bryan Meyer Industry,

The Wisconsin Regional Orthoimagery Consortium (WROC) was recently selected for an Engineering Excellence Best of State award by ACEC Wisconsin. This marks the fourth time that WROC has received this honor. The WROC 2020 program had the highest level of county and municipal participation yet, which spurred significant partnerships from a wide array of public and private sector partners. For the first time in program history, all county members acquired 6” pixel orthos or better, with seven counties acquiring 3” pixel orthos. This led to partnerships to create a 12” pixel statewide leaf-off ortho layer, also a first in program history.

Read the ACEC press release here:

For more information on WROC, contact:

Andy Faust, NCWRPC

Zach Nienow, Ayres